10 years ago

I guys,

I've a little problem showing articoles intro in a structure like this:

  • Category A > Category B > Category C > Articles
Category A is set as a blog (alternative layout) and it showing intro images of Category B.
Category B is set as a blog (alternative layout) and it showing intro images of Category C. 
Category C is set as a blog (alternative layout) but it DOESN'T shows intro images of the Articles. It doesn't shows nothing!

Now, I tried to put Articles inside Category A or Category B and it works, they shows Article intro Image. So It can't be an Article Content Type problem. I seems like there is a kind of limitation in subcategory numbers.

I notice that the link to the last Category intro is like this:


Also if I set Configuration>SEF url>  to "/parent/alias"

So I tried to write the Article URL in this way:


and it works.

at last I tried:


And It doesn't shows Articles intro blog but Category C ones.

Any ideas?
thx in advance

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