Hi Sebloders
Create new tags on the fly
Here is an example of how to do this using a beforestore or afterstore field...
$newOrgUg = new JCckContent( // object::find this in db.#__cck_core_objects.name array('joomla_tag') ); $addOrgUg = $newOrgUg->create( // seblod form & content type::find this in db.#__cck_core_types.name 'my_seblod_tag_form', array( // joomla! db columns::#__tags.title etc... 'title'=> $fields['art_title']->value, 'parent_id'=> 4 ), array( // seblod db columns::#__cck_store_form_my_seblod_tag_form 'new_column'=>'1' ) ); <br>
Very Nice Seblod!!!