10 years ago
After selecting the state, just fill the first inputbox using the suitable parameter/value.
- is Visible / is Hidden: "fade", "slide" or leave it blank.
- is Filled: the requested value.
- is Filled by: the id of a field you want to retrieve the value.
In order to retrieve a custom attribute, use fieldid@attribute
- is Enabled / is Disabled: leave it blank.
- has Class / hasn't Class: the requested CSS class.
- triggers: "change", "click", "focus", or any other event.

¹ JQUERY SELECTOR: let you access any element (id, class, tag..).
#form# will be replaced automatically by the real id of the form input.
If you are not sure what does this mean... do not change it !

² AUTO REVERT: by default, if a conditional statement (trigger side) is not met,
the reverse state will be activated automatically. You can choose to disable it
using the suitable checkbox, and thus setup each state manually.

After selecting the field, just fill the inputbox using the suitable parameter/value.
- is Equal / In: one or more value(s) (separated by comma), use «
- is Different: one or more value(s) (separated by comma), use «
- is Filled / is Empty: leave it blank.
- is Changed / is Pressed: leave it blank.
- call Function: the requested JS function name.
A same field can't be used more than one time in the same condition
where I can find more info about:
  1. ¹ JQUERY SELECTOR: let you access any element (id, class, tag..).#form# will be replaced automatically by the real id of the form input.
    If you are not sure what does this mean... do not change it ! 
  2. LIST OF ATTRIBUTES and what IS IT... In order to retrieve a custom attribute, use fieldid@attribute
  3. any combination or tricks what exactly I can fill in these two setup fields (like an php code, js code, sql queries ...etc)
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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

selector is an ID or class of the element that is used as condition, this is atuo set by cck to the id of selected element, this option is here for those that need to change that for some reason, so if you don't know why you would need it, I suggest not to change it

Attributes are form element attributes, if put in a,b,c and their values and you look at the source you will see e..g. <option a="sth" b="sth else" c ="sth else 2">, this can be also used to set some custom attribute need e.g. for jquery validation like validation="validate"

This element are meant for developers to be able to customize cck default behaviours, there are no premade quick recepies (you might be able to find some on the forum)
10 years ago
Level 2
HI Klas, how can I "live" fill a field by 2,3,4...and more values from other fields.
I see that I can only use Filled by and set only one field from which I want to retreive value or an attribute.
I have created an demo to explaine what i want build with seblod here http://jsfiddle.net/terveg/fxJe4/
SD concat field does not accept + as I see...Also computation rules doesn't accept + and if to use "concatenate", basic rules are too far from customisable...
10 years ago
Level 3
ok, i found what is the error...this plug-in is so old as mamont shit (2011) cck.calculation-3.0.0.min.js
reChars:/([a-zA-Z0-9а-яА-Я\+\ \-_])*/g
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