332 Posts
6 years ago

Hi. I've seen since I updated to latest version that often when I try to edit a field in administrator, I get issues. The options to edit does not load, wrong type of options are loaded and I'm sometimes given a message that I am not permitted to access that page. 

I've tried reinstalling seblod, deleting cache, even tried installing a new browser to make sure that it's not cache related. And the problem is there. 

How can I go about gathering meaningful data about this that you could have a look at to see if it's a bug at play?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

For the start try to find out exactly when does this happen and what kind of errors do you get - look in the php & apache logs and javascript console in the browser.Also - did you update all add-on plugins and templates when you updated?

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

I checked console, and found that it's an issue with mootools. The problem arrises each time I try to open for instance tab 4 in the form setup to check access + restriction settings. If I manage to open this the first time (often it's just a blank popup) and then go to open something else that's managed through the popup, often the last thing I viewed is shown instead.

So this behavior happens every time:

I check tab 5, conditional states. I can see the settings (some times). After closing the popup I can try to for instance just edit the field, and then I get a blank popup or a popup showing the conditional states instead. And vice versa. I see the first popup for all popups afterwards. 

BUT. This behavior is irregular. Sometimes I do get the new popup content.

VM1497:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : at Object.f.exec (VM1454 mootools-core.js:28) at Object.success (VM1454 mootools-core.js:168) at Object.e.extend.$owner (VM1454 mootools-core.js:38) at Object.onStateChange (VM1454 mootools-core.js:159) at Object.e.extend.$owner (VM1454 mootools-core.js:38)

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

I found an older post in the forum which I see to be about the same issue. I will try to get mootools not to be loaded, to see if the problem goes away. 


332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

After disabling mootools, it started working. But I've got jquery errors in the console. Now the close button when editing fields is not working.. :(

I do not understand why this suddenly happens. Everything is up to date. 

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

I did install a fresh copy of Joomla 3.9, along with the latest of Seblod. I then downloaded the app that's got issues and installed it on this fresh install as well. And it works. There are no error messages. 

I'm a bit confused as to why this is happening. Even if I reinstall Joomla and Seblod on the other site, the problem perssists. 

Any suggestions?

332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

I found the reason for the issue. And I belive it's not related to Seblod at all.

I've installed a plugin from web357. It's a cookie notification plugin. All the developers plugins needs a common web357 framework plugin installed. As soon as I disable this plugin it works like it should again.

Thanks for trying, klas. Posting the "solution" here since this also could happen to others. Would be nice to see a suggested solution before wasting hours trying to figure out what's the issue. :)

6 years ago
Level 2

Hi Kenneth,

Yes, i confirmed. And what's strange is that their extensions seems to work without web357 framework plugin and I don't know why it's loaded on administration side for all extensions...


332 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

That's what I figured out as well. I'm chatting with the developer in regards to solving this, as his cookie notification plugin probably is the best one for Joomla, I think it's worth getting solved.

164 Posts
1 year ago
Level 2

I good your Problem as well, because of using the extension "Switch editor" from Anything Digital. Seems checking other third party extension is a good approach in this case. Thanks Kenneth for sharing.

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