8 years ago

I created a GroupX that uses JForm - User but when an additional one is added no button is available to choose a second a user. Currently Jform User enters the information by opening a lightbox. Is there a way for a user to just start typing and it finds the right user?

Here is an example:

User:  [ empty text box ]

As I begin typing int he empty text box it finds the user and I can select it the correct one.

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8 years ago
Level 1

any ideas anyone?

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


I did a longer, maybe better reply, but it didn't save and I lost it all!


I am suggesting using Select Dynamic Field.


Main Content Type

"Object: Article"

"Title: Main Content Type"

"Name: main_content_type"


Repeating Content Type

"Object: User" 

"Title: Repeating Content Type"

"Name: repeating_content_type" 


Add Select Dynamic Field to the Repeating Content Type.

"Title: Add User Name"

"Name: add_user_name"

"Query: Construction" 

"Table: #__users"

"Options Name: name" // Gets User Name

"Options Value: id" // Stores the users id

"Storage: Format / Object: NONE"


Add GroupX field to the Main Content Type.

"Content Type (form) *: Repeating Content Type"

"Storage: Format / Object: CUSTOM | Article | user_list[repeating_content_type] // create the db column you want to store the info in, and mention the field that will collect the data


Might be helpful, might not..


If you know how to do the auto complete bit that you mentioned let me know, please



8 years ago
Level 1

Hi rmacias,

and thank Buclash for your complete and good answer.

I would just change one thing in your answer

Repeating Content Type

"Object: Article"    => Not user

"Title: Repeating Content Type"

"Name: repeating_content_type"

==> There is no need here to create a content type based on the object "User"

Bucklash said : I did a longer, maybe better reply, but it didn't save and I lost it all!

it's due to the session timeout. So when you write a long post, it's better to write it in an external editor and make a copy/paste at the end



1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Sebloders

Cheers Lionel, glad I provided a good answer, must be on the right track :)


8 years ago
Level 3

This was their reply to using the plugin.

Thanks for using our Seblod field autocomplete plugin.

Please InputData% kind% as is to make the autocomplete work. I aso suggest to choose 3 and not 1 for the number of characters to trigger the ajax autocomplete. Also do not forget to use our Com_pulsar_ajax component to make this field work! Thanks again Cyril

Not sure what they mean by InputData%kind%

8 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Bucklash and Lionel

I used the dynamic field and that lead me to the below site that has a select dynamic field with autocomplete. I haven't gotten it work yet but I have it up with no errors at the moment but its not displaying the autocomplete. I'll keep you posted on my progress. 

Installed this first


Then the field


Is there a way to send a notification to the selected user?

8 years ago
Level 3

Ok so here are my setting for the above:

I use the field type autocomplete which is basically the same as a dynamic field type.

Nb caractères avant suggestion: 1

Query: Construction

Table: #_users

options name: name

options value: id

where: InputData

Format/Object: none

So when I type in a letter the full list of users populates below but it doesn't narrow down the list or autocomplete. Must be doing something wrong.

8 years ago
Level 4

Ok so I contact the guys whom made the field they said to try the below but I'm not sure how because if I put this into where it stops working.: %inputdata%

Thanks for using our Seblod autocomplete field plugin.
Please type %inputdata% as is to make the autocomplete work. I aso suggest to choose 3 and not 1 for the number of characters to trigger the ajax autocomplete.

Also don't forget to use our Com_pulsar_ajax component to make this field work! 

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Hi rmacias

I am jumping in here even though I have never used the field. I won't get a chance to do anything on Seblod for a couple of days, but hope to muck around over the weekend...

Are you creating your SQL as Free, or are you using the Construction method?

Use free and then add your SQL query to this post so we can see what you are typing in.

I notice that in the diagram it shows '%inputdata%' yet in the instructions it has 'InputData'.

My guess is that '%inputData%' has to be used and my second guess is that you must use Free to create the SQL query.


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