51 Posts
5 years ago

The database has 2 tables:


id name_region
1 Scort
2 Alabama
3 Texas
4 Rumba

2. #___cities

id Id_region class name_city
1 1 small Gor
2 2 large Fistashka
3 1 midd Hramka
4 2 small Beda
5 3 large Shopsa
6 1 midd Katol
7 1 midd Lima


I know how to use "Select Dynamic Cascade" to do this:

region: - Select an Option - ¬↓

city: - Select an Option - ↓


And me need to such:

region: - Select an Option - ↓

class : Select an Option - ↓

city: - Select an Option - ↓


That is to filter the list on the additional field "class" !

If not, what regular Seblod tools may be suitable for this?

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5 years ago
Level 1

Hi Ostap,

cascade can be done on multi level, so yes it's possible to do what you want.

You just need yo have relations between your differents tables.


51 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, Leone for the quick answer! It's very important to me!

You said, "it's possible!" But I don't understand how?

In the first case, everything is clear. Write on in fields type "Select Dynamic Cascade»:

1st field (Start):

SELECT name_region AS text, id AS value FROM #__regions

Options Value: «id»

2nd field (End):

SELECT name_city AS text, id AS value FROM #__cities

Options Value: «id»

Parent: "id_region»

How in this situation between these fields to include the filter to the field "class" I can't think of.

5 years ago
Level 3

Hi ostap,

  • The first Select will list Regions from the table #__regions
  • The second Select will list Class from the table #__cities, filtered by the Id_region of the previous Select
  • The third Select will display City Name from the table #__cities, filtered by the class of the previous Select


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