187 Posts
11 years ago

Hello Seblod-devs,

i'm in need of a way to translate fields of my seblod content. So when people are on a list view or article-page and they click on another language, some fields get translated (fields with a free text input).

This seems dificult or not possible in Seblod, tried some ways that didn't work, and have some ideas on it.

Are there people who can code this? I'm willing to back it financially, if its not too expensive.

Greetings Joris

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187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Maybe its not directly possible with Seblod to have multilanguage support. If this is true i would like to know. Then i have too look at other cck's.

Is it possible to have a piece of code that does something like this?

I make a productpage and have different fields for description (description dutch, description french etc). Then a piece of code shows one of the fields only.

If language is french show description french etc?

I tried the article association field but that doesn't show on my product-form for some reason. And in my search list it shows the three product-pages for the three languages...

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Ah... i see... I'll need to upgrade to Joomla 3.x to use associations...

I'l try this... Glad i can export my product-app with Seblod (thats nice!)

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Mmm also in Joomla 3 the article associations field doesn't show up when i'm adding content. Do i need to specify some settings somewhere or a plugin?

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Oke. For others who have the same problems..

To get the associated articles field working you have to change a setting in the 'system language filter' plugin. Go to tab basic options and change item associations to yes...

For me this doesn't solve the problem. It works in article view. But when in a search-list it shows all the different products for different languages.

So if someone knows a way i can get for example three fields with the different descriptions for three languages and it will show only one of those fields based on the joomla language thats selected it would be great.

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Pathos,

Welcome on multi-language world powered by SEBLOD ;-)

You can do a lot of different things to manage multi languages with SEBLOD and it avoids some Joomla limitation:

  • Enable completely Joomla multi-languages and SEBLOD JText general option -> manage your translation by using Joomla system with associations and JText feature: each content item must be duplicated for each translation (allow differences between each "language site", the content and the content organization can be totally different per language or more similar).
  • The first solution + in specific content types (CT) don't manage a full translation but just translation for specifics fields of the CT -> duplicate the field per language (myfield_fr, myfield_en..), the default language value must be put to "all". This content will be common to all languages. After that when you display the content the purpose is to display the value of the good field in regards of the current language. To do this we're using a typo plugin which will be published during the next 2 weeks.
  • Use SEBLOD multisite to manage on site per language, in this case you can use or not Joomla multi-language system in regards of your exact need
  • ..

17 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi there,

Looking forward for the day the typo plugin will be published..


151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2


Is that language typo plugin available now?


187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Thanks Bes,

the second option sounds like something i could use and was the way i was thinking aswell... Do you need some testing with that plugin? Then i would be glad to take it a spin.. and would that work with the search lists as well? that would be the most used situation on the site i'm working on... If i could already test it and it will be a paid plugin, i'm glad to already pay for it. At least i'm sure i don't have to look to other solutions...

Thanks a lot for the information,


187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

If there is any news on this plugin i would like to know. If i can help in any way also. Otherwise i need to start looking at other options.



187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

I would like to know if this plugin has any progress or that i need to look at other solutions.

I couldn't find the plugin in the shop yet, so i guess it is more difficult than imagined. I would like to help if thats possible.

I need to use multi-language search-forms or at least the list (result) should be translatable.

Thanks if someone could shed some light on progress.



187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Not sure what to make of it, but i can't find this post on the forum, only if i go to the url directly. And after posting it shows up again.

I guess the plugin isn't ready yet. But it would be nice if someone would tell this to be the case or not. Its not terrible if this is the case, but at least we can get further or take action ourselves.

Please let me know something... either yes or now, or it takes longer.

Greetings and thanks


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 2

Why not using multiple language without association... I build one without problem

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Does that work with the search-lists?

I tried that but then when i show a list four products show with different languages. I need a list and when someone click another language the same list  needs to show with translations....

Do you have a link to show?

Thanks for thinking with me...



187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Ok, i still think a plugin would be much more efficient.The way i'm doing it now. If someone needs to do the same...

The thing i want to acomplish:

a visitor of the site wants to see a list of products (and some product-details) that are available in the netherlands. it is a international site. Default language is english...

De visitor goed to the country The Netherlands and sees a specific menu for that country in english! If he clicks the dutch flag it will be a menu in dutch.

Then he goes to the product-list (search-list) and sees the products that have The Netherlands in their country-variable. The list is in english, the description etc also...

If he now clicks the dutch language flag it needs to be a translated list of products and description etc.

How it seems to work out right (need more testing)...

The client needs to add lets say a product Hammer five times to the product-database (a seblod content type). One time for every language. i added a specific field 'Language of product' to the form. If you use the joomla language field you can get in trouble. So make a new field simple list an add all languages.

I made a search list with two hidden search fields... The countries field (a field where you fill out the countries the product can be bought) and the "language of product" field that is the language that product is described in.

Now i made a menu-item products in the country specific menu for the netherlands and it shows a product list in english (search for country 'the netherlands" and 'Product language' ducth).

I also made a second menu-item with Producten (ductch for products) and search for country the netherlands and product language dutch...

I also made a association between the two menu-items and now it seems to work.

If someone still knows how to make a plugin where you can make a translation right into the product-fields it would be great as you don't need to put 5 products in the database for every product you want to sell.



151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Pathos

I wonder if you found some solution to this article language issue. Did you found some way to add the article just once and not one for each site language?

I have asked un many post for any solution but havent got any answere yet.

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Jimenaes,

i'm afraid i have to tell you i haven't found a solution that does that. And i'm still willing to pay for someone that can make it. It would be such an improvement...

Programmers that are up to the task, give me an estimate and we can realise it. Or is there a problem i'm not thinking of that makes it impossible. I would like to know that also...

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi everyone,

after a while letting the issue go and concentrated on the rest of the website, now i have found a solution that seems to work for my situation.

Maybe someone else will have some use for it to.

I have installed this plugin...

This makes it possible to create content in one article with different languages with the addiotion of some code..

{langck=fr-FR}texte français à afficher{/langck}
{langck=en-GB}english text to show{/langck}

This makes it possible for people to put translations in the description field (html-field)...

Because it would show a little weird for people to have all all this code for all languages in one editor-window i made different fields. For each language one... with the code pasted in for that language.

Still a bit weird but it would look like this...

Engelish Description:

{langck=en-GB}english text to show{/langck}

French Description:

{langck=fr-FR}texte français à afficher{/langck}

People would need to place the text between the code...

To get these fields all in one i bought this plugin from the seblod market...

I created a field that would put all these translations in one field...

so i get this


{langck=fr-FR}texte français à afficher{/langck}
{langck=en-GB}english text to show{/langck}

This is the field that is being displayed on my searchlist and it shows only the language that is being used at that point...

Now i have to test it a bit more but it works at least for the few items i have put in.

It would be even nicer is someone would know a way i could not show the pieces of code. So it would be something that puts that code in front of the field automaticcally and after the input from that field.


hope someone can benefit from this.

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Thanks Zwergo,

i will think about your solution and will try it. Templating is not a problem if that would work like i need it to (on the filters). And if i can get rid of the concat plugin and the ugly language tags that would be great.

The solution in the other thread i already read that before, maybe i can use that, but it seems that will translate other things than the description. Maybe useful, but the translation in the product-pages were my first priority. I will let you know if your solution works.




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