8 years ago


I've gotten hang of Seblod to some degree but templating category_blog view still escapes me.

1) I have a regular category_blog menu item, that shows some seblod articles. The article part works well, but how can I bring new fields into the area with category description? There does not seem to be a template for this in Seblod? Should I just edit the regular joomla blog.php files to fix this?

2) I've added some Seblod fields straight into my Joomla templates index.php. This works well and when I'm in a specific article, it automatically seems to know when to show the correct fields. Doing the same with categories seems more difficult and I haven't been able to render fields added into a category through index.php. Is there something specific I should know, compared to articles?

Thank you for your time.

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42 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


And I do not understand the other.

Why the fields that I put in "Intro" (Admin), shown in the "Content" (Site)?

And why the fields that I put in "Content" (Admin) not visible on the site?


8 years ago
Level 2

Hi StanislavR,

The fields added in content type intro tab will be viewed on Joomla and SEBLOD list view (front-end).

The fields added in content type content tab will be viewed on Joomla article view (used by SEBLOD too, front-end).

The fields added in content type admin tab will be viewed on SEBLOD form view (Joomla back-end, from Joomla article/category/user manager).

The fields added in content type site tab will be viewed on SEBLOD form view (front-end).

42 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3


thanks Bes,
I forgot that for categories
all as well as for articles

8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Hurmeli,

1) If you're using native Joomla blog category view, you need to used SEBLOD category content type and enable in the Joomla category view the display of category description. You can add custom fields in category content type.

2) You can manage SEBLOD fields which are displayed on Joomla article view in SEBLOD content tab when you edit your content type. Manage SEBLOD fields displayed on Joomla list view in SEBLOD intro tab of your content type.

* When you will know SEBLOD we advise you to manage any list views (blog, table, map, calendar template...) with SEBLOD list/search.


8 years ago
Level 2


I actually managed to solve my problem. I needed to add some of the fields in intro section of the Seblod category before they became visible. This solved both of my problems. I guess I wasn't expecting categories to have intro like articles do.

Really nice piece of software btw. Helps a ton when doing custom content that customers will have to update later on. Fairly steep learning curve compared to basic Joomla, but I'm getting there. :)

8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bes,

I'm still having problems with the same page. I infact did a search & list page at first. But the problem with it was, that I found no way to add content on that page besides the search result.

As an example my page would need the following:

Header Image (added through index.php as it's well outside the content area, works well at least in article and category content type)

*Category Title

*Category Description

Category_blog Items or Search & List results

**More content for the category

Width Category_blog I could get everything except the content below blog items marked with **. With Search & List I found no way to template anything at all! I've searched for two days, but haven't found any answer to this. I'm sure I'm overlooking something as there must be a way. :)

One note: I will have many, many search pages and they all will search from specific category. So making dozens of new copies of seb_list template is not really an option.

Is there some standard way to handle a situation like this with Seblod?

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