10 years ago

Hello all,

Thanks first off for this seems like a great cck, which is completely new to me.  I can create joomla pages using the core elements all day long, and even write some of my own stuff.  Ive read alot of the documentation here and as ive read a few posts on the forums, i understand that it is a work in progress.  kudos for the efforts so far.

I hate to ask, but I have no clue on how to do what i would like to do from the title.  Ive tried and i keep coming up blank.  if someone could explain to me with an example it would be MOST appreciated, i wont need much walking through, i learn mostly via examples, i have a hard time coming up from scratch, but i can do great things if i can just see the inner workings.  

i basically just want be able to create 3 specific sub categories everytime i create a new categories, the sub categories need to be nested in the category thats being created.  if anyone could be so kind as to point me in the right direction i would be eternally greatful.

Thanks in advance,


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