hi, I have 2 select dynamics, the first one called OBRA brings me a list of subcategories created by the current log in user and from a specific parent category, this one is ok, the second called ANUNCIO brings me an html text, now, I want ANUNCIO to bring me the text based on the value selected in OBRA, so OBRA can filter ANUNCIO
the query in each ares these
OBRA: SELECT title as text, id as value FROM #__categories WHERE created_user_id = $user->id AND parent_id=8
ANUNCIO: SELECT anuncio_en_comic as text, id as value FROM #__cck_store_form_nuevo_comic
I need to complete the query in ANUNCIO so it brings me the value based on OBRA, what they have in common is the subcategory id, so I want to see how to do this