10 years ago
I want to have two separate user registration forms (one for common users and one for partners). I have managed to create the "common user" one by altering the Users content type in Seblod.
For the other i created a Partner content type in quick app folder with user skeleton. But when i try to access it from frontend (via a seblod form menu item) i get "You are not allowed to access this resource.". What am i doing wrong? Thank you in advance
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Darkidas,

Have you checked the permissions on the form? When you open up the Content Type editor, look for the orange arrow on the right side of the Title Block. Set the permissions for the group that you want to give access to.

Hope that helps,

10 years ago
Level 2
Thank you Randy! That resolved my issue. But now i have another one. How can i make a WYSIWYG editor field appear on frontend for a user with guest access? Right now it only works for registered and above. Thank you
10 years ago
Level 1

which WYSIWYG editor field are you using exactly, a custom one or one of the predefined ones?

Again, check the access permissions on the field (blue button number 4 (Access) on the right site.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Another place to check is the admin plugin manager. Search for editor and look for the CCK Field - Wysiwig Editor field. There is an option to allow for guest users. But I think I would be careful of using this because unwanted guests could upload hacks to the site - you want to limit the functionality of the editor I think....

Hope that helps...

10 years ago
Level 1
Thank you for your answers. The trick that Randy suggested worked. But i have found another way to implement this that is not security risky. Thank you again. Problem solved
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