Ok, so this is a nutty one.
I'm using tags with the SEBLOD articles and having a crazy problem. When a user has permissions of "Registered" and below the tagging works just fine. A user views an article, they click on a tag, they get a list of other articles with that same tag. If the user has "Registered" and anything else, like "Editor" then when they click on the tag they get the error below:
1054 Unknown column '3example' in 'where clause'
"example" is the tag they clicked on.
Joomla install specs
Joomla 3.9.0
SEBLOD Version 3.16.3
Akeeba Backup
I've checked on 3 different installs of Joomla with 3 different hosts (godaddy, 1&1 Plesk Panel, Amazon Lightsail Joomla) and I'm getting the error on all 3. I've also tried tags with a clean install of Joomla with the sample content and the tags work just fine. the only other 2 packages I have installed are Akeeba Backup and ArtAdiminer
Please let me know if you need any other information.