42 Posts
7 years ago

Hello all! 

I KNOW that normally it MUST work. It even DID work recently/yesterday. But it actually does NOT work on my system right now:

Please, can anyone give me a hint?

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

When you say that you can't install Seblod, what error do you get?

42 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

There was an error message about an database table that apaerantly didn't exist.

Meanwhile I deleted the directory completely (had another joomla instance installed there before - with a neatly working seblod) and dropped all database tables. 

for (i=0;i++;i <=100) {

    "After uninstalling a Joomla! instance I shall delete ALL files in its directoy and drop ALL database tables BEFORE installing an new one there."


But what is still weird:
when I try to install Seblod from web directory it shows me the seblod entry in the search results ubt shows me nothing (in the sense of "no result found") when I click on this entry. Can anyone confirm? 

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Sounds like an installation sql is not executed for some reason, try contacting your web host if there is some protective system active that can block certain commands, they should be getting some errors in the log.-Or if you use system protection component alike admin tools with web firewall, try disabling it..

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