548 Posts
11 years ago

Hi to all, 

using Seblod Multisite, Is there a way to set Mail Settings for each Site ?

What in joomla is managed into

Global Configuration > Server > Mail Settings > Mailer / From email / From Name

So we can have all default system emails personalized for each site...

Can Seblod Site (Multi-sites) be useful ?

Many Thanks for Helps

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb,

In the contexte of multi-sites, SEBLOD add some user groups and some access levels.

Each site has its specific user groups and specific access levels. You can use these access levels to configure "email" field in a content type.

For example if you will define two sites: A and B with access access_A and access_B, you can add two email fields in a content type. Then, you click on button 4 in form views. You select access_A for the first field and access_B for the second.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi, 

sorry I'm not sure to understand what you mean, I want repeat what I mean trying to be more clear.

In joomla you can set the site email, the email used by the site for all automatic administration emails, like during registration process etc.

How to set it for Sites in Seblod? Is there a way to have that ?

548 Posts
2 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys, 

Please, Do you have any workaround for this ? Any suggestions ?

Is there any news for the 4.x release?

44 Posts
2 years ago
Level 2

Hi, joomleb

Octopoos - Mehdi answered your question. 

If you use SEBLOD you don't need Global Configuration > Server > Mail Settings > Mailer / From email / From Name

You need an «e-mail» field in your form.

If you use SEBLOD Multisite  you need (for example):

1. «e-mail_1»  for www.mysite1.com

2. «e-mail_2» for www.mysite2.com

Perhaps the settings for the «e-mail field» resolve your tasks  (Mailer / From email / From Name for each site) 

Or, look tutorial «How to add some custom parameters to a site? (Multi-sites)» 



548 Posts
2 years ago
Level 3

Hi StanislavR,

thanks for your reply.

Yes, I could add an Option custom parameter Email field  and, as explained into the tutorial and wrote by Mehdi: "...Each site has its specific user groups and specific access levels. You can use these access levels to configure "email" field in a content type..."

But, it is valid only for the content type I'm creating with Seblod.

What I mean is that the "Global Configuration > Server > Mail Settings > Mailer / From email / From Name" field are missing into the Multi Site creation (the same thing it is happening with Site Name, Meta Description, Meta Keyword, Language, Template Site for example, where they take place in the master site configuration file.
In this way all the Joomla System Emails like Registration Email, Remember Password Email etc. will be sent through the Slave Site Domain Email and not through the Master Site Domain Email... 

44 Posts
2 years ago
Level 4

Hi, joomleb

Yes, now I see that your task is not so simple. And I don't have an answer now.

However, you have the ability to add options for each of your sites. (If I understand the tutorial above correctly)

I haven't used it myself yet. But maybe I'll try later.

I see the main problem - how to use these options for your purposes. If you are not a programmer, perhaps specialists can help?



Sorry, if you want the multi site settings section, you need to add options for mail (as in global configuration)?  Then you need to write the developers issue

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