7 years ago


i created a Joomla module article->categories. When I'm calling a category over this module (e.g. buecher), the article links are looking like this:

<a href="/sitename/flohmarkt.html?id=1186:kunst">Kunst</a>

This link causes a "404 - category not found" Error.

When I am creating a Menu link to the category, the article links are looking like this:

<a href="/sitename/flohmarkt/buecher/1186-kunst.html">Kunst</a>

This link is workuing correctly.

I'm getting the links wit:

<?php echo $cck->get ( 'art_title' )->html;?>

How can i get the correct links to the articles when i calling the categories over the Joomla Module?

Thanks for helping


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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


I'm afraid it is not clear where / what you are trying to do. Which Joomla moule do you use ? With Seblod you need to use Seblod list module to get correct links, not joomla modules.

Also, do you use some 3rd party SEF extension? Seblod does not support those.

7 years ago
Level 2

I'm using the normal Joomla Module "Articles - Categories" to show the Sub-Categories of the Parent Category "Flohmarkt":

The result looks like this:

Is this possible with Seblod Modules?

I don't use 3rd party SEF extensions.

What I have noticed: When a Menu link to a category (e.g. "Buecher") exists, then the link in the Module looks like


and the article links are working.

When there is no existing menu link to the category, then the link in the Module looks like


and the article links are not working like described above.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


you can display a list of categories using Seblod, see manual. To show only categories from certain parent category add "Category parent Id" field to the search form and set it's live value to the id of your parent category.

7 years ago
Level 1


i found the solution for me:

Field "Article Title" -> View ->Construction: SEF Urls -> Use Standard

Tanks for helping.


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