4 years ago


I am using the live value "now" to search for everything that is from now and future but it does not work. + 1day works but doesn't do what I exactly need.

"today" and "NOW" does not work either - can anyone confirm the issue? How to fix it?

thank you


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11 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

Hi Elisa

Are you using a Calendar JForm field for the “now” date? I had the same issue and found “now” works if you use the Calendar Picker field instead. Which is a shame as it’s not as attractive as the JForm version. Not sure what the difference is.

Hope this helps.


4 years ago
Level 2

Hi Steve,

yes I am using JForm field - but the strange thing is that it worked in the past. there was a difference between those fields - one worked with today and the other with now but now nothing works...


11 Posts
4 years ago
Level 3

Hi Elisa

I'm no coder, but I can't see any difference between the JForm and the Calendar Picker field types. Both use datetime storage in the SQL tables and according to all the research I've done on JForm it should accept "now" as a default value. I've even looked at the PHP file in libraries/joomla/forms/fields but nothing jumps out (perhaps not surprising as I don't understand much about PHP!). Sorry.


4 years ago
Level 4

Anyway thank you for your time Steve :-) Very appreciated!

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