45 Posts
6 years ago


Users are registered using Seblod. The bridge is enabled and users are assigned the "community" category. 

The problem is this (maybe someone faced):

Previously, the lists of users were displayed on the site in the form of announcements by URL: /community through the category blog menu (i.e. by means of Joomla). From the announcements it was possible to go to the user profile page at the URL: /community/33-dylan-moran. 

Now I want to display the same thing, but using Seblod List and Search (item tab) (because there is a need to add a couple of filters to the Search tab). 

Created the List and Search Type I need. Changed the existing menu item: instead of the content->blog category = chose Seblod -> List & Search. The menu item alias remains the same: community. Configured on the button 2 in the field user_name link->Content - >View on the user profile. 

It's OK, except for a problem I can't solve. 

When clicking on a link from List and Search to a user profile instead of the usual URL: /community/33-dylan-moran now from the List and Search redirects to URL: /9-community/33-dylan-moran (added category id to its alias). 

Question: how to make the transition from List and Search the user profile is opened via the normal URL, i.e. the alias category was without nine? 

Sorry for bad English.

Thank you in advance.

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


if you click on + next to the View link you created you can choose various Seblod routing options, try experimenting which one suits your case.

45 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the answer, Klas. I tried to put all the values of the SEF URLs from the list, nothing helped. Noticed, if you select the value /parent/id-alias, the URL on the "Read More" button displays the correct (/community/33-dylan-moran), but when you click on the button is still redirect to URL /9-community/33-dylan-moran.

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