10 years ago

1-which css filename is use for seb_blog |table |minima|one ?
2-cck.css cck.intro.css is use for which template ?
3-if view use many joomla object type like blog view is implemented ( list ) , Does seblod apply the same template for each articles item ?
what is the default content ( fields for 1 article ) that is manage by default by seblod ( show in the FrontEnd) ?
4-does seblod override joolma default blog layout view ?
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10 years ago
Level 1
I ll try reply to my question
1 no css file are locate under the template directory , they are locate under media/cck/
2 template are implemetned like a plug in and contain no css
3 yes
4 no

It seem there is a problem when the article fulltext is not locate in main body .
I put the fulltext article in top body and the content don't appear in html code inthe client browser side !
I think i miss some settings ? which ?

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