64 Posts
6 years ago


I see a problem with Load more - click, i don't see text Load more on javascript... 

Printscreen: http://prntscr.com/hzc2es 

Any solution ?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

String output here should be the same as defined in your languge file unless you have entered something in the "pagination text" field in the configuration.

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

@Klas, thank you for your reply ! I don't have edited language file, i don't have entered something in the pagination text, i've checked the file that did this js and doen't seems to be same as: 


And btw i have latest version of Seblod!

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Hello. I found a bug. Can anyone test this scenario?

Go to configuration of your List & Search Type, and set Cache (on Search)  to ON ( Global ), and if you have Load more with Click per 100 items, for first refresh you will see the load more button for the next refresh the button will disapear.

P.S: I didn't find a solution for text on button :( Can anyone help me ?

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

And another bug/problem, i set the pagination to 200, and let Inifinity click but when i search for some items i don't see it, only if i set pagination normal with page numbers i see all items. Why ? 

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

I tried displaying listing with cache and it works ok for me. Only error I get (with or without cache) is that it always says "page 1 of 6".

Check in the network tab of developers tools in your browser if there are any errors on response statuses, I suspect this is related to your hosting.

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Hello. Well... i don't understand. Why i can't see all seblod items :( ! I did a mistake somewhere ? 

let see: i have 379 results on page : http://www.eforieonline.ro/nou/

I have pagination with infinity click on 200, but i can't find  this item( Hotel Neptun Eforie Nord - http://www.eforieonline.ro/nou/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=664:hotel-neptun-eforie-nord&catid=9&Itemid=152 ) 

If the pagination is removed ( limit 200 ) i found on list ... :( If i change the ordering from Shuffle to ascedent it's working... i don't understand why.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

I took a look at your page and it seems ok, no errors, I don't know why this particular hotel is not showing for you.

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Me2.... it's strange ! I don't know what should i do ...

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

It's there a way to find why i don't see this item and maybe much more on search list ? 

Edit: it's a bug. Now i have changed to pagination normal without infinity click, and i see it on page 2

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Seems menu pagination setting is not properly passed to the Load more (see issue on github) - I suggest you set desired values on the search type and skip menu settings until this is fixed (or use normal pagination).

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