8 years ago

Hi there,

I am trying to use SEBLOD to set up a restaurant menu.

There will be more than one menu, i.e. a standard menu, a christmas menu, and probably many more.

Within each menu we have sections, starters, mains, desserts.

In the output, starters should be on one row, mains on another etc.


Where I have got to so far.

I have created a SEBLOD app - Add a new menu.  That works reasonably well, it effectively mimics creating a category, but it puts them all within a parent category "menus".


I have created "add new menu item" SEBLOD app.  In this you can choose a dynamic menu "choose menu" that works and selects child items from the "menus" category, and saves things in the right place.  i.e. things for the standard menu are saved in the standard menu category.


You can also choose "type" which is a simple dropdown "starter, main, dessert".  I'm not entirely sure how to save this properly, but I would like to be able to retrieve data based on this.


I have created a search/list which shows all menu items.


What I think I need to do is create something in search/list that selects from the "type" and uses the word "starter" to pull all of the starters into one row.  That way no matter which menu is selected the starters will always be in the first row.  And the Menu (standard/Christmas) can be chosen by the Joomla! Menu.

I want it to be user-friendly for my client, I don't want them to have to create "starter, main etc" as sub-categories each time they create a menu.  I can avoid this by not using subcategories and instead using "type" to understand the relationship.

Can anyone help me to get my brain around how to achieve this?  I've been at it for a good few days and I'm pretty much stuck.  

I tried to use categories, and use cat_id to save starter, but as soon as I create a new menu item which is a starter is is a duplicated id.  As started above, I don't think this is the most user friendly way to acheive the result I want for the client.

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