Joomfish Compatibility & Integration on Article Manager: with SEBLOD 1.x & Joomfish, manage your articles & translations in a same place: Article Manager !!

Toolbar (on the top right): show action icons

Publish: publish checked translation(s). Unpublish: unpublish checked translation(s). Delete: delete checked translation(s). Help: open Joomfish Integration help page. Submenu: en-GB *: to manage articles. (add, edit, delete, copy, translate, publish, unpublish, ...) #com_content fr-FR: to manage french translations (edit, delete, publish, unpublish) #com_joomfish es-ES: to manage spanish translations. (edit, delete, publish, unpublish) #com_joomfish This is only a example of configuration. You will see all your site languages managed by Joomfish as tabs, and the default site language displayed with a star. Tabs ordering can be defined from the Language Configuration of Joomfish, and Default language from the Language Manager of Joomla. Columns : Number: No changement. #about article Checkbox :Check the box in order to delete, publish or unpublish the Translation. #about translation Title: Display the Title of the Translation. #about translation Language (Flag): Display the Language of the Translation. #about translation Published: Display the State of the Translation (published=green | unpublish=grey). Click on icon to toggle state. #about translation Front Page: No changement. #about article Order: No changement. #about article Access Level: No changement. #about article Section: No changement. #about article Category: No changement. #about article Hits: No changement. #about article ID: No changement. #about article

How to Manage my Articles & Translations?

Here is the new way to manage articles & translations. A really simple but also powerfull & useful way. There are 3 languages on our website: en-GB (English), fr-FR (French) and es-ES (Spanish) ... let's begin !
Be sure to select your default language (front-end) before adding your articles.
Go to the Article Manager. This is still the main part of the Article Manger and also your default language view. We are going to add some articles in the "Default Submission" category, so first select it from the right side category filter. Now, click on "Add", pick the "Article Mini" content type. Fill the Title like this "My Article 01", and note that Section & Category have been already well-filled thanks to the previous filter. Add some Text: "Here is my first article." And click on "Save". Our new article has just been added successfully in default language tab. If we click on other language tabs it is still empty, there is no translation. In order to add translations for our first article, first check it (from the main view), and then click on "Translate". You'll now see one translation from each language tab, and all translations have been added with an unpublished state. (grey icon) Go to "fr-FR" to edit the french translation. Click on it. The translation was created with the default language content. Edit the Title: "Mon Article 01" and note that Section & Category fields are disabled. (Select section/category doesn't make sense here...) Edit the content: "Voici mon premier article." And click on "Save". Back to french tab, we can see that our translation has been automatically published after edition. (Can be changed from jSeblod CCK configuration) The title has also been updated, and if we click on the preview icon, we'll see that it is the same for the content. Let's click on the front page toggle icon in order to have a look on the site (front-end). Here is our first article in english and french (by click on the suitable flag to switch language). On the spanish one, english article is still displayed cause our translation has not been published yet. Congratulation, you have just created your first article with its translation... and it works well !!

What about adding translations automatically?

You have just learned how to add an article without translation, and how to translate it with the one-shot way. Now let's automate this a little bit. On main language, click on "New", and pick again the "Article Mini" content type. Title: "My Article 02", Text: "Here is my second article." Now look at the flags on top left side of the form. By default only the main language box is checked. (Can be changed from jSeblod CCK configuration) Let's check languages one by one. This means that article & translations (for each checked language) will be created in one click. Try it, click on "Save". We can now see our fresh created article (& translations) from each of our language tabs. Like we have seen it before translations are unpublished, and you need to edit them one by one in order to translate them.

What if I want to make it works in a one row-action?

Let's create our third article. Click on "New" and then "Article Mini". Here is the form again. Title: "My Article 03", Text: "Here is my third article." Let's check again all languages. (French, Spanish) Now, we are not going to click on "Save" but on the "Next" arrow button to save Article & Translations, and translate each content in a one row-action. Here is the French translation. FR >> Title: "Mon Article 03", Text: "Voici mon troisieme article." Click again on the "Next" arrow to access and translate the Spanish content. ES >> Title: "Mi Articulo 03", Text: "Aqui esta mi tercer articulo." Click once again on the "Next" arrow to finish and go back to the main language view. Every translations have been successfully saved, well-translated and published. Pretty cool !!

One more thing to go further...

The default language view can be displayed in a more advanced mode. Go to jSeblod CCK administration. Click on "Configuration", and then on "Admin (back-end)" tab. On the right side, you'll see the Joomfish integration. Let's switch the mode to "Extended", and go back to Article Manager. In main view, no more flag on the Language Colomn but a drop-down field which first allow you to see how many existing translations for each article. In a second time, you can also access any translation really easily by selecting it, in order to edit its content. Now, enjoy !