187 Posts
11 years ago


i'm building a kind of database with products for a website. The products have a product name (article title) a description and several other fields. I'm not sure if it belongs in this category. But the problems involves translations, but of the content of a field of seblod.

It is possible that a specific product A needs to be shown on a country-part of the website. Lets say i click on France and then the products will be shown that can be bought in France. The standard site language will then still be the default....

When someone clicks on the french language flag then there need to be a translation from the fields that belong to the product. The simple fields are possible. But how ca i get a french description into the list-view.

I read in another topic i could use Article Association field... But it seems that i need to create a special product for all languages.

Is it possible to somehow add a french description, english description, german description etc to the product creation process and that it would only show the field french description if someone would click the french flag?

or is there another simple way to do this without creating a special product page for different languages?

Thanks. Seblod seems very powerful and i'm getting to understand how it works. Just stumbled upon this problem. If it can;t be done, please let me know also...

Thanks and greetings,

Joris aka pathos

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251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 1

"Is it possible to somehow add a french description, english description, german description etc to the product creation process and that it would only show the field french description if someone would click the french flag? "

-- do you mean when you add new article, there will be directly more than one description field for each language ? If yes... it's achievable via seblod manually (do the filtering in template level) if you want to use it automatically you need to wait for a plugin (i think i have an idea to made one)

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Viktor,

yes, i think it would make the production proces much faster. If you can do translations in one page/article. But i guess it would be a problem in other cases where you need a physic page, static page for each language.

But in my case i foremost use the list-search typa as a page and people will click on a language at that moment...

Bes from octopoos has replied in another topic about it and said they were busy with a plugin also...


With filtering on a template level you mean something like a piece of code that excludes some fields when a specific language is used? (i'm not a coder)...

Thanks for thinking with me...

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


I have the same problem. I dont want to have to make two articles for the same product, one in english the other in spanish. Not only beacuse I would have to do write it twice, but beacuse my article is related to another content type.

So I tried to make two description fields in the same product content type. Then made a search type which list just that description field for each description field, then made a module for each one and set their lenguages to EN and ES. Then made a module field for each module and put them in my product content type content view tab...

But this doestn work!!! :( I get the "There is no result." message

Is there any way to make this work?

Thanks a lot

187 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

My thread about it seems lost now and then..

Iwan, are you up to it? You had some ideas on a plugin. Can we get in contact? Maybe we can make it together...



32 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi everyone,

I don't know if this topic is still an issue for you. I had the same problem and solved it by doing the following:

1. I installed the "Joomla! Language" restriction plugin (link: http://www.seblod.com/products/10869)

2. For free-text contents I created one field per language (e.g. "Product Description DE") and added all of them to my admin-form

3. I added all fields ("Product Description DE", "... EN", ...) as well to the "content" view and applied the restriction plugin per language (e.g. select "Product Description DE" > click on "4" to add a restriction and select "Language" > click on "+" and select the corresponding language > "German (DE)").

Result: You have on article per product with language specific free-text fields, which are only shown, if their language is currently active in Joomla. Therefore you don't need special search-filters, etc. as the language-filtering is done on field level.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards


233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hello sUrfa & Seblod staff, 

thanks for sharing your idea and experience. Sounds interesting but also "cumbersome and tedious"... i mean from admin/sitebuilders perspective. Is there any way to streamline and speed-up your method? You have to edit and config every single field, right? Would be nice to restrict a whole group of fields... or copy a pre-configured field or just its restriction parameters... I assume we can't select multiple fields and hit "4"... 

Any thoughts? 

32 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi pepperstreet,

unfortunately I don't know another way. It can be a bit tedious, but should not take longer than 30 seconds per field. Once selected "4" you can just add the restriction + config to the affected fields.

I agree that it can get tedious and not ideal from a design perspective, if you have many languages installed.

@Seblod-Team: It would be great to have a new field-type "multi-lang free-text" which just offers an input for every installed language and displays the current language in "content", but all in "admin" and site". This field could just store all languages in one DB-column (e.g. using your format for complex fields)

If you agree, I can create a feature-request in github.

Best Regards


19 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hello sUrfa, 

can you help me to understand how to manage "title" and "alias"  for each language in the same content.

I don't know if is possible add more alias in the same content ...

For example for english I want:

... product-name-en.html

and for italian

... prodotto-nome-it.html

Best Regards


32 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi webemalab,

Seblod offers an own router for search engine friendly URLs. You can configure the SEF parameter under "Global Configuration > SEBLOD > Site".

Unfortunately neither Seblod nor joomla offer language dependant aliases. (in joomla an article is only bound to one language as it does not contain server-logic).

I guess there are different approaches to solve your problem:

  • Very Easy: Just keep an English alias and take care of a good SEF structure in the rest of the URL (e.g. by adding product categories to the URL)
  • Easy but not pretty: create one record (e.g. product) per language
  • Difficult: Maybe you can define an alias field per language and write your own plugin/override for the joomla router.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards


19 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi sUrfa

Thank you, your answer is useful ...

Best Regards

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